Monday 19 September 2011

No more distribution but we are still walking...

Yup, we did our last distribution of catalogues last weekend coz we felt it was tiring us out. The reason we were doing it was that it gave us a reason to go out and take a walk but the sorting of the many many flyers were driving us nuts! I assured Ivan we need not do the distribution to go for walk, we still could decide when and where we wanted to do so and go for it! Indeed, we were so "diligent" in sticking to our pact that we decided to go for a walk on Sunday after the mini hail in the afternoon; I was awaken from my nap by the pitter patter or rather what sounded like a different sort of pitter patter and when I looked outside at our alfresco; realised it was raining icicles! As I was saying, when the rain finally stopped and the sun won the battle, we took to the streets for our walk but not long after, we had to hood up and make our way home quickly as it started to drizzle again, luckily just liquid raindrops this time around. On the way back, we were met by the wonder of nature...

That's me! Had trouble uploading this the other day, better late than never! :)

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